Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Freedom from Past mistakes

 Daily Devotion 5th day

Luke 5:8 The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.

Setiap org memilki masa lalu, entah itu masa yg indah, bahagia, atau yg pahit dan menyakitkan. Celakanya kalau masa lalu yang pahit terus menganduli hidupmu dapat membuat langkahmu tertahan. Ada org yg terus menerus hidup di masalalu, tdk pernah bisa let it go, terhadap diri sendiri maupun terhadap orang lain, menyimpan kepahitan, akibatnya hidupnya penuh dengan kemurungan, kesal melihat org lain bahagia, merasa diri paling malang, blame others, dan terus menerus hidup dlm kondisi demikian, hidup seperti itu akan sangat melelahkan.

Didalam Lukas 5:8  ada 3 hal yg Yesus ingin lakukan dalam diri anda, Jesus wants to release captives. He wants the blind to see and the oppressed to be set free; untuk itulah DIA datang.  Anda harus di bebaskan dari tawanan masa lalu, anda harus terbuka melihat bahwa selama ini banyak waktu, potensi, tenaga, bahkan uang yg tersita karena hal ini, anda harus melihat bahwa ini menghambat berkat Tuhan turun. Anda harus dibebaskan dari tekanan masa lalu. Kehadiran YESUS dalam hidup kita, tidak hanya menebus dosa kita, tetapi juga ingin membebaskan kita dari masa lalu.

If you’re carrying around burdens, it’s time to drop them, Jesus is the redeemer, He redeemed you from past mistake. If you feel as if your past mistakes are weighing you down, it’s time to find freedom, how?

1. Let yourself mourn. Our past mistakes hurt us in so many ways. Keeping a brave face is hard. Let yourself mourn what was lost—your innocence, your youth, your healthy relationships.

2. Go to Jesus with your pain. We try to hold everything in because we think Jesus will condemn us. Instead, he wants to comfort us. He mourns all you’ve lost too. If we look at Jesus in the Bible, those he spent the most time with were those the rest of society looks down upon. Nothing you’ve done shocks him. He’s waiting with open arms.

If the past affect your marriage life, Steps You Can Take:

  1. Ask for forgiveness from God.
  2. Forgive yourself!
  3. Carve out a time to talk with your spouse.
  4. Pray! Pray before the talk, and ask your spouse to pray with you after the talk.


It’s never easy to relive past mistakes, but Jesus came to bring healing and wholeness. He wants to give you freedom and peace. This month don’t let those burdens hold you back. Take them to the One who can do something about that. Take them to Jesus.  Spend time with HIM, and take it all the hurts one by one to HIM. He came to bring freedom in ways you never imagined. JESUS is the REDEEMER !


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